
Design is Broken and it Needs to be Fixed

We are living in one of the most challenging times in recent history. Our economy is a mess, the world is a disaster and one of the most important professions needed to lead us into the future is missing in action. For sure design has lost its pride, its sense of purpose and its dignity. We as designers are no longer proud to stand up for the inherent value we bring. We are looking for ways to justify ourselves to business alone as if we don’t also play a critical role in social, cultural and quality of life issues. (more…)

By Challis, ago

Fast Company Asks: What Should I Do With My Life?

“Instead of focusing on what’s next, let’s get back to what’s first. The previous era of business was defined by the question, Where’s the opportunity? I’m convinced that business success in the future starts with the question, What should I do with my life? Yes, that’s right. The most obvious and universal question on our plates as human beings is the most urgent and pragmatic approach to sustainable success in our organizations. (more…)

By Challis, ago

Graphic Design School Review

Graphic Design School Review is your resource for finding top graphic design schools and colleges offering degree programs and courses in graphic design and visual communications. Whether you’re interested in a career as a graphic designer, Read more…

By Challis, ago