
Philips Leverages User Research as it Looks to Take Healthcare Innovation Global

Philips Research has integrated experience research into its innovation pipeline. “Our people-centric research involves understanding what people actually want from technology to improve their daily lives,” continued Rick Harwig. “For this purpose Philips Research has built two new research laboratories in Europe, next to the existing HomeLab. (more…)

By Challis, ago
Human-Centered Design

All Brains Around the Table and No Field Research Makes Jack a Dull Product

A nice article in The New York Times Business section on customer research: Get Out of That Rut and Into the Shower (I can’t vouch for the title though). I really liked the fact that this brief article steered clear of the usual academic rhetoric about anthropology and ethnographic methods. Instead, just a couple of quick anecdotes that illustrate why it’s so important to get out and observe your customers. (more…)

By Challis, ago